
Thanks for listening to We would love to hear your feedback and comments so please ensure you fill out all the fields. If you are interested in advertisement rates, jobs, birthday shoutouts or song request fill out the form below!

We are located at:

1203 Nostrand Ave, Suite B
Brooklyn, New York 11225
Phone: 718-221-8500
Email: [email protected]

Program Director

Michelle Aurthurton



How to submit music?

E2onair will consider your music for playlisting if your song matches our station format and if the quality (both artistic and production) is on the level of other songs you hear on our station. Email us for more details!

Advertisment Spots


1/2 Banner – 468 width x 61 height (pixels)

Square – 125 width x 125 height (pixels)

Square – 300 width x 250 height (pixels)

Square – 250 width x 300 height (pixels)

Featured Flyer – 300 width x 415 height (pixels)


All ADS should be a maximum file size of 30kb, GIF, JPG and submitted using the form below for review. Once approved, a payment request will be sent for client confirmation. No refund will be given once the advertising has commenced. ALL PAYMENT MUST BE MADE BEFORE ADVERTISING COMMENCE. Position guarantees are not available. Ad Units/locations are awarded on a first come, first served basis.

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